Saturday, February 25, 2023

Korg SQ-1

The Korg SQ-1 is often recommended to mix-in with a Eurorack system.  I'd say, that's not too bad of a recommendation.

It has one serious problem.  The two gate outputs are outside of spec.  The manual says they are 10V, but after testing mine and confirming with another SQ-1 owner, they run hot, at close to 14V, which is outside of the Eurorack safe range.

I'm going to patch mine using a couple of zener diodes and resistors to fix this, and I'll post the results here when I do.

2023-03-06  Update:

I determined that there is enough resistance already to solve the problem by just adding the diodes.  I recommend this mod to everyone to bring the Korg SQ-1 into a Eurorack-safe voltage range.  Just solder two 8.2V Zener diodes from the top to the bottom contact of the jack, with the stripe facing towards the center of the circuit board.


  1. I'm curious how the internal pitch quantization of the device will be affected by dropping the voltage, if at all.

    1. The problem is with the gate outs, not the CV outs. I don't think it will impact the CV outs at all.

    2. Oh shoot, of course. There's me being sleep deprived in public again.


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